Friday, January 15, 2010

Marketing Maayaajaalam Awards - 3

Time, as is said often, does fly. It feels like we were discussing Marketing Maayaajaalam Awards - 2 just a few weeks back. A year has flown since then, flown fast and furious. It's time for its third convention.

As is the case with this forum, I intend inviting voices and votes about a few categories.

The best brand launch of the year

The best advertising of the year

The worst brand failure of the year

The expected brand failure of 2010

Send in your choices. You can even open new categories if you so wish. Any brand, marketer or advertisement that you feel needs to be rewarded or reprimanded.

The awards close very soon - December 31st 2010 to be precise!

Nah, just kidding. Do send in your entries soon.

And by the way, belated though, wish you a 2010 filled with 2000 fun!